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Est. 1935

Your support allows us to continue to promote the the Jubilee Yacht fleet in Victoria and around Australia

JYA Committee

The JYA appreciates your support.

From just $50 (GST not applicable), you can help the JYA Committee and associates continue the great tradition of the Jubilee Yacht fleet.


In particular, your membership fee:

  • Entitles you to a number of editions of the Jubilation, the JYA's exclusive publication

  • Entitles you to enter all regatta's organised by the JYA, including the Huntingfield Cup (National championships) and J A Linacre Memorial Trophy (State titles)

  • Entitles boat owners to participate in any referendums conducted by the JYA

  • Provides much appreciated resources for the JYA Committee to continue to promote and support the Jubilee Yacht fleet

To join the JYA, or RENEW you current membership please complete
this form and send to Leonie Crosbie.



Pay electronically using these details below:
Account Name: Jubilee Yacht Association of Victoria
Account Number: 8641638
BSB Number: 013355
Reference: Please use your name



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