“Competition maybe the cause;
frightfully good fun is the result.”

Whatever your age or ability the owners and sailors of the Jubilees will make you feel welcome and will give you the chance for some hands-on learning from day 1
Est. 1935
Chas Peel

Jubilee 80th Year Anniversary
On Saturday May 9, Royal Brighton Yacht Club hosted, in conjunction with Ballaarat Yacht Cluband Sorrento Yacht Club, the Jubilee Yacht Association of Victoria’s annual ‘famous beer andprawn luncheon.’
The event also celebrated the 80th Anniversary of the launch of the Jubilee Class yachts which took place in 1935 with the launch of Freydis J1 at Royal Brighton Yacht Club. In attendance on that day in 1935, was Royal Brighton Yacht Club identity and Jubilee Association of Victoria President, Mr. Bryan Linacre, who was aged 9 at the time. His mother and father were also in attendance as the owners of the newly crafted boat. On that day, Mrs. Linacre officially christened the boat.
To celebrate the 80th year since that launch, Freydis was christened again, this time by the granddaughter of Mrs. Linacre, Mrs. Andrea Roberts. Her Father Bryan Linacre, and other members of the Linacre family, were standing by for this wonderful, intergenerational celebration.
Over 90 Members of the association and guests attended, including Jubilee skippers from clubs in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania. On arrival at the function, guests were served a glass of champagne and took the opportunity to view a collection of photographic records of Jubilee competition sailing on Port Phillip Bay and the original Freydis christening photograph which has been majestically framed and is the proud possession of Bryan Linacre. The official re-christening of Freydis was followed by a superb prawn and salad lunch before the formal notifications and acknowledgements. Jubilee skippers and crew signed a commemorative jib.
Jubilee owners continue to enjoy competitive racing, with the National Titles recently held in Pittwater Sydney, hosted by the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, and the State Titles were held this year on Lake King, hosted by the Metung Yacht Club. The current holder of the National and State Titles for 2015, Mr. Steve Wright, from the Cronulla Sailing Club, attended the famous beer and prawn luncheon as did many past winners of these titles. The MC for the event was Mr. Michael Morrow, a distinguished yachtsman and builder of many modern Jubilees.
The last timber Jubilee (to date) was constructed in 1967. The Jubilee has proved extremely satisfying to all who have sailed them in the past and this satisfaction continues for current Jubilee skippers.
The most pleasing aspects of the ‘Jube’ is her ability to be sailed by one to four persons, to glide along in light airs and yet handle rough conditions with relative ease. The Jubilee is a tribute to her designers and can proudly stand among the most versatile and enjoyable yachts in the world.